April 15-16
1. New assignment on goformative.com "04-15 Estimating Products and Quotients with Pathblazer"
See the image below. You are starting a new application today called Pathblazer. All instructions are in your Formative document at goformative.com. If you have not logged in to Formative yet, please CLICK here, read the instructions and watch a video clip on how to do it.
You will need to complete the assignments listed below.
A formative document that goes along with a lesson in Pathblazer. These links, LINK 1 and LINK 2, will remind you how to log in to Pathblazer through Clever and access your assignment.
A Pathblazer lesson
A Pathblazer quiz
All assignments must be completed by Friday 10 am. See the calendar or the right panel on Schoology for all the due dates. See the images at the bottom of this page.
2. Remember ST Math goals for this week: Decimal Addition and Subtraction, Game 1, Estimate Total Cost: Due on April 20, Monday, at 10 am
All Mrs. Donskoy's students should be on Decimal Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication, or Division. If you finished all of it already, you will be on whatever comes next for you. Please work for at least 30 minutes a day on ST Math. If you need any help, please send me a message.
This is your ST Math curriculum for the next few weeks. If you are already done with it, you will be on some other part of ST Math that you have not completed yet.
This is your new assignment on Formative at goformative.com
This is the Pathblazer icon you will see on Clever.com