April 27 - May 1
If you have not finished Multiplication of Decimals on Khan Academy, please finish it. Open Khan Academy, and you will see what activities are not completed. These lessons are very important. This week, we are going to prepare for decimal division and review the division of whole numbers first.
Please scroll down on this page to see the ST Math goals for this week.
at https://www.khanacademy.org/
Log in with Google. Use your single sign-on.
Complete the videos and activities from Khan Academy. The activities are listed on the right. It has two videos and two exercises.
There are three math assignments on FORMATIVE at goformative.com, Those who came to Zoom meetings may have finished one of them already. The assignments are about decimal multiplication. If you haven't finished your work on Khan Academy from previous week, you may want to do it before working on Formative assignments.
You have ST MATH goals for this week. Decimal Addition and Subtraction, Game 4 must be completed. When I check it on Friday night, your record should show that you are on Game 5. That's how I will know that you completed Game 4.